Beach Cleanups
Beach cleanups don't stop the flow of plastics and trash into our waters, but they do increase awareness and educate individuals. When you come to one of our cleanups, you get to be outside and have fun, all while giving back to your community. We bring people together to focus on the environment and learn ways to protect it.
In the city of Miami, the physical impacts of the climate crisis have been visible for years and local governments are already mitigating sea level rise and ocean intrusion. That’s why current and future development should be well planned and regulated.
Let’s think global, act local.
7+ billion people cannot survive with the current systems and we simply need to change our way of living. Our motto is simple, we are part of the natural world, we depend upon it, if it disappears, we'll be next in line.
We need to redefine the term environmentalism, this cause is not only about saving the animals or the environment, this is about saving our own species and our ecosystem.
We’ve been compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In fact, our current youth is already paying the price.
If you want to collaborate with us or you are interested in participating, reach us at
Also, you can follow us on instagram to see our next clean-up @Focus.Miami